Card Crawl Adventure is a fun game for Android devices with excellent graphics and perfect gameplay for anyone who loves card games.
In Card Crawl Adventure, nine cards are dealt, after which it's up to you to go through them and meet the various objectives. The main objective, in that it doesn't require you to fulfill any other, is escaping from the tavern. Along the way, you'll run into all kinds of monsters and obstacles. To win, you'll need to use your ingenuity and, most importantly, the rest of the cards on the table. Card Crawl Adventure revolves around life, energy, and money. Using cards and overcoming obstacles cost energy and life, whereas you can use money to buy things from the merchant or pay your bill at the tavern.
The rules in Card Crawl Adventure might seem complicated at first, but you'll get the hang of it as you play. For example, one of your secondary objectives is finding a treasure map and its treasure, but to get the map, you'll need to go through the cards in a certain way. And going through the cards is not as easy as it looks. You can go through up to six cards, moving from one to another as long as they're adjacent.
Card Crawl Adventure can be a little difficult, especially if you don't play this genre regularly, but you'll have fun no matter what. Download the Card Crawl Adventure APK now and try to escape from the tavern before it's too late.